Membership Benefits
Subscription to “Around the State”, to remain apprised of issues impacting NeFDA and the funeral service industry.
Continuing education to advance members’ professional development.
A voice in the direction of NeFDA through voting and elected board representation.
Advocacy and training on how to proactively address legislative issues impacting the funeral service industry.
Information from the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) regarding the most current issues impacting funeral service:
A website featuring a membership directory and other current information that NeFDA members need to know.
An NeFDA Master Trust to provide funeral pre-need arrangements for individuals.
The opportunity for NeFDA members to network, discuss mutual challenges, and develop plans and programs of benefits to the public and to the funeral service industry.
A partnership with Homesteaders Life which provides life insurance and annuity products for preneed and final expense funding.
The membership of the Association shall consist of the following seven (7) classes:
1) Firm Membership: Funeral establishments duly licensed under the laws of the
State of Nebraska that pay dues in accordance with the dues schedule approved by the Board of Directors of the Association shall be eligible for membership as a Firm Member. Such applicants may become Firm Members of the Association by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at any regular or special meeting of the Board. Each Firm Member shall be entitled to one vote, which vote shall be cast by a duly authorized officer or other duly authorized representative of the Firm Member.
2) Individual Membership: All funeral directors who are duly licensed under the laws of the State of Nebraska and who own or are employed by a Firm Member shall be known as Individual Members and shall be entitled to receive those benefits which the Association makes available to such Individual Members. Individual Members may serve as members of the Board of Directors, officers, or members of any committee of the Association unless otherwise provided for herein.
3) Associate Membership: The following individuals who pay dues in accordance with the dues schedule approved by the Board of Directors of the Association shall be eligible for Associate Membership in the Association:
Funeral directors duly licensed under the State of Nebraska who are in the profession of funeral directing and who are not owners of or employed by a Firm Member.
Employees, retired employees and associates who are not licensed funeral directors under Nebraska law and who are affiliated with a Firm Member.
Funeral directors licensed under the laws of the State of Nebraska who are not presently engaged in the profession of funeral directing.
Those persons who meet the requirements for Associate Membership under this Paragraph (3) may become Associate Members of the Association by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at any regular or special meeting of the Board. Associate Members under this Paragraph (3) do not possess the right to hold office nor vote, except that an Associate Member may cast a vote of a Firm Member on whose behalf such Associate Member is duly authorized to vote. All Associate Members in good standing in this Paragraph (3) may participate in all activities of the Association, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
4) Affiliate Membership : Any funeral supplies sales persons, manufacturer’s representatives, and allied industry representatives to the funeral service profession in Nebraska shall be eligible for membership as an Affiliate Member in this Association. Such applicants may become Affiliate Members of the Association by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at any regular or special meeting of the Board. Affiliate Members shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, but shall be entitled to such benefits of membership as the Board of Directors determines.
5) Honorary Members: Retired funeral directors and others in recognition of long and faithful service to the Association and the profession shall be admitted as “Honorary” members by a ¾ vote of the Board of Directors present at any regular or special meeting of the Board. Honorary Members under this Paragraph (5) do not possess the right to hold office nor to vote, except that an Honorary Member may cast a vote of a Firm Member on whose behalf such Honorary Member is duly authorized to vote. All Honorary Members in good standing in this Paragraph (5) may participate in all activities of the Association except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
6) Student Membership : A student who is enrolled in a school of mortuary science that is accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education may become a Student Member of the Association upon approval by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at any regular or special meeting of the Board. The term of membership for a Student Member shall not exceed one year unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. Student Members under this Paragraph (6) do not possess the right to hold office nor vote, but shall be entitled to such benefits of membership as the Board of Directors determines.
7) Trade Service Members: Any crematories, trade services, first call services or embalming services that have a licensed funeral director who is in good standing in the State of Nebraska shall be eligible for membership as a Trade Service Member in this Association. Such applicants may become Trade Service Members of the Association by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at any regular or special meeting of the Board. Trade Service Members may serve as members of the Board of Directors, officers, or members of any committee of the Association unless otherwise provided for herein and shall be entitled to one vote.