Statewide COVID-19 Testing

On April 21, Governor Ricketts announced a new initiative to dramatically increase COVID-19 testing in the coming weeks. Visit to complete an assessment to determine your current risk. Using the data collected in the assessment, people will be prioritized and if chosen you will be confirmed a time slot for testing at a drive-through location.

These orders are effective immediately and are in effect to the dates listed unless renewed, extended or terminated by subsequent orders. They supersede any federal mandate or state guidance in effect.

All Nebraska counties are under the current DHM through January 31. Individual cities have enacted mask mandates. Check with your local health department for specific requirements. Click here to view all DHMs currently in place.

NeFDA has spoken to the Governor’s Office and funerals and memorial services (no matter the location) will be considered a Religious Service and not a Gathering in this DHM. As part of the DHM, occupancy limitations do not apply to religious services and funeral receptions.

Religious Services and Funeral Reception guidelines:

  • Occupancy limitations do not apply to funeral receptions

  • A party is define to only include household members

  • Six (6) feet separation between seating of different parties/households

  • Receiving lines are not permitted

  • Activities which require individuals to gather beyond their respective tables or seats should be limited whenever possible and when allowed should adhere to any State-issues guidance.

Nebraska DHHS -Wedding & Funeral Reception Venues Guidelines

Be aware of any restrictions your local health department might enforce that are stricter than the statewide Directive Health Measure. It is suggested to contact your local health department for further guidance. Click on the links below for an updated list.

List by name and contacts / Map of Local Health Departments

Check with local churches regarding if they are open or have any restrictions regarding holding funeral services.

Options for Obtaining PPE

Public Health DepartmentsWe recommend that you contact your local Health Department’s Emergency Response Coordinator for PPE, Disaster Bags, and Medical Examiner Bags for possible fatalities due to the COVID 19 global pandemic.

To request PPE: Complete the PPE Needs Form and submit to your local Health Department’s Emergency Response Coordinator.

Click here to download the PPE Needs Form. Click here for a listing of local Health Departments.

Vendors - NeFDA does not endorse these vendors companies.
TNG Worldwide

To place an order contact Lisa directly.
Lisa BessettePhone Number: (949) 735-1969Email:

Click here for the full supply list, with cost and availability. Updated July 30, 2020
Click here to view flyer

Neutron Industries They have several disinfecting products available. Click here for a list of their products that are on the EPA’s List N for COVID-19. Click here for a supply list, with cost and availability, as of August 7, 2020.

Discover Disinfectant Total Release Foggers available to ship immediately! These are certified for COVID-19 as well as a long laundry list of virus AND bacteria. Place in center of room, set them off, leave in room for 2 hours with doors and windows shut for total disinfecting of rooms, banquet areas, gym areas, etc. Case of 12 cans for $155, Item Number 121222-12, *4 case max

To place an order contact Joell directly.
Joell Golladay
Phone Number: (602) 357-3838
Visit their website at

Earthshade - based in Elkhorn, NE
PPE gowns - $2.95 each each including shipping for quantities over 12
Personal Face Shields - $6.95 each including shipping for quantities over 12

Call 413.528.5443 or email with orders or questions.
Click here for more information

Spirit Sanitizer Click here for product list. Click here for FDA documentation. Same day order processing with an average 3-7 business day turnaround.

To place an order contact Sam O’Donnell directly
Sam O’Donnell
Phone Number: (503) 329-8753

DiscountMugs - Click here for product list

Quality Logo Products - Click here for product list

Resources Shared By NeFDA Members

PPE Donning Step-by-Step Guide from UNMC
PPE Doffing Step-by-Step Guide from UNMC
PPE Donning and Doffing: CDC Sequence for COVID-19 video
Video - Lincoln Protocol for Removal/Body Wrapping - an example of the Lincoln hospitals protocol for COVID-19 transferring
Video - How to embalm with COVID-19
NHA letter sent to Nebraska hospital CEO’s regarding transferring and death certificates

Other Resources

Tele-health and Online Mental Health resources

CDC Coronavirus Guidance for Funeral Directors

CDC Guidance on Death Certificates

The CDC's has offered guidance for completing a death certificate of  a COVID-19 death. You may download it here: 

On April 16, 2020, the CDC hosted a webinar on completing the death certificate for COVID-19 deaths. You may watch a recording here:

Visit NFDA COVID-19 website for Essential Guidance and Breaking News

On March 19, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued guidance to states naming mortuary workers as “critical infrastructure workers. Many states have adopted the DHS recommendations. One thing this order suggests is that critical infrastructure worker should be exempt from “shelter-in-place” mandates.

Because states are adopting “shelter-in-place” or “safer at home” mandates, NFDA has prepared a Certification of Employment document you can show to authorities verifying your status as a critical infrastructure worker.

This Certification of Employment document should be printed on funeral home letterhead, filled out completely, and signed by an owner or manager of the funeral home.

NFDA Recommendation: Do Not Use Facebook or YouTube to Livestream Funerals or to Post Recordings of Funerals

Facebook and YouTube have entered into lawsuit settlements with music companies that prevent them from allowing some copyrighted music to be played over their systems. The blocking and muting is done by algorithms. Even though a member has a webcasting license to stream the music in their funeral over the web, Facebook and YouTube will mute it. If the user continues to stream the copyrighted music over their systems, eventually they will block the user from using the system. 

NFDA worked on this issue several weeks ago and was unable to get Facebook to engineer a change. They claimed they were precluded from doing so because of the prior settlement agreements. NFDA advises members use their own websites, or other streaming tools such as Zoom, Vimeo, or other commercial services, which do not have these copyright issues, to stream funerals. NFDA has been notified of the “muting” problem that funeral homes are experiencing when streaming funerals over Facebook. We have been in contact with a BMI representative who explains that several years ago Facebook entered into agreements with song producers to resolve copyright infringement claims. These agreements require Facebook to mute streamings that are broadcast over the Facebook platform if the streaming includes music belonging to the songwriters. He further explained that BMI, ASCAP and SESAC are not parties to these agreements and have no way to modify them. In addition, Facebook cannot modify them unilaterally. So, unfortunately, there is no way to solve the muting problems with Facebook.

In addition to webcasting vendors (find a list here), here are a few articles with alternatives for livestreaming: 

For more information regarding Music Webcasting Licenses, click here to view the NFDA website.

Visit NFDA Practical Guidance Webinars page for a special message Wally Hooker on transferring bodies when the medical examiner/coroner has not performed his or her investigation.

Check out articles from experts:  

Dr. Alan Wolfelt: Dealing With Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Glenda Stansbury, InSight Institute: Ceremonies to Celebrate Together From Afar: A Resource for Challenging Times 

Dan Katz, L.A. Ads: Positioning Your Funeral or Cemetery Business In The Age of COVID-19     

Graveside Service Recommendations from the National Concrete Burial Vault Association (May 21, 2020)

As states begin revising their executive orders and slowly lifting restrictions, our colleagues at the National Concrete Burial Vault Association have adjusted their graveside service equipment recommendations. The NCVBA reminds you that you should comply with all state and local mandates when setting up graveside services. You can find the updated guidance here.

You know your business operations best and, with your staff, can develop a plan to action to help families commemorate the life of their loved ones in a safe manner that is consistent with federal, state and local guidance.

Notice from VA National Cemetery Administration posted June 5, 2020

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national cemeteries will resume committal services starting June 9 in all but two VA national cemeteries, Calverton and Long Island.

VA national cemeteries will contact families who were unable to hold a committal service due to the COVID-19 pandemic (March 23 - June 8) to arrange memorial services for their loved ones beginning in July.  

Interments scheduled on or after June 9, will be offered the option of a committal service at the time of interment. At Calverton and Long Island national cemeteries, that option will be available starting June 22, provided state and local guidance permit.  Military funeral honors, customarily provided by the Department of Defense and volunteer honor guards, will be based on local availability.   

VA national cemeteries will continue adherence to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the number of individuals attending committal services, practicing physical distancing between individuals not from the same household, ensuring all attendees and employees wear face coverings, encouraging frequent use of hand sanitizer and asking sick individuals to stay home. The number of permitted attendees will vary based on state and local guidelines for gathering sizes provided the facility can accommodate increased attendees while maintaining physical distancing. Families may continue to choose direct interment and opt for a memorial service later when all restrictions have been lifted.  

As warranted, NCA will provide updates on the operating status of individual national cemeteries on our social media pages: and